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Students interested in auditioning for acapella will audition next Thursday April, 30th. Current acapella students will not reaudition. Students not currently in acapella will need to audition:


*Email Mrs. Russell at the latest Wednesday April 29th by 5:00pm at In the subject line put your first and last name. In the message portion put your cell phone & address, current grade, and that your auditioning for acapella.

*Then you will get a confirmation email from me with a google sheet that will have time slots. Sign up for the time slot that works best for your schedule. I will also give you the recordings to practice with.

You will receive a google meet invite for your specific audition time slot. Please do not join until your exact audition time.


Students 9-11 grade will get a recording of

1.The Lord Bless You. (All four parts played on the piano)


8th graders will get a recording of:

  1. My country ‘tis of thee (high & low key)

What will you be required to do for the auditions?

8th graders:

Sing the melody of My country ‘tis of the pick the high or low key. You will sing with the recording. Don’t stress if you don’t know it. It’s very easy and you have a week to practice. Then there will be a short easy sightreading example that will show up on the screen. 

9-11 graders:

You will play the recording of The Lord Bless You and sing your voice part with the recording when you audition.

Last there will be a short sightreading example that will show up on the screen.


As soon as all our time slots are filled I will email everyone the schedule with confirmation on your time slot & both recordings you will sing with Wednesday night. Also, your google meet link.


The day of the audition:

  1. Click on your link in google meets at the time of your audition. I may have to tell you to wait if a session goes longer. Do not click the link early and if I’m still in a session, I’ll get with you as quick as I can.

  2. You will need two devices one to play your recording & either a chrome book, laptop, or desktop to join goggle meets. You may need to borrow one for the audition. The sightreading is hard to read on your phone.

  3. Get your recording ready and be ready to sing first & then sightread.

Tips for auditions-

1.Please don’t be nervous.

2.Take a deep breath and know that I am for you.

3.Get a good nights rest the night before so you are rested up. I know everyone’s sleep schedule is jacked up so try to get yourself on a good schedule.

4.Try to warm your voice up before the audition.

5.Don’t worry if you mess up...just keep going. It’s ok if you mess up because it’s been a while since you’ve sightread. Just don’t stop.

6.Make sure you get your paperwork turned in so your complete. You must complete paperwork and email to me at

7.Contact me ASAP so you can get the recordings to practice with. Try your best to have tall vowels and work on phrasing.

8.If you are having issues with getting two devices contact me via email & we will try to figure something out. Don’t let that keep you from auditioning.

I’m so proud of you for trying out! Just do your best and know it’s ok if it’s not perfect. 




Results will be posted May 22nd via remind/twitter.

8th Grade Practice Tools

MCTOT High Key Practice
MCTOT Low Key Practice
MCTOT High Key Audition
MCTOT Low Key Audition


 My country, ’tis of thee,

Sweet land of liberty,

Of thee I sing;

Land where my fathers died,

Land of the pilgrims’ pride,

From ev’ry mountainside

Let freedom ring!

9-11 Grade Practice Tools

The Lord Bless
The lord bless you soprano audition trac
The lord bless you tenor audition track.
The lord bless bass audition track
The lord bless you alto audition track.m


Students interested in auditioning for showstoppers will submit a video of themselves no later than 5pm Monday May 4th to There will be callbacks on Thursday May 7th.


***Remember you MUST be double blocked choir in order to be in showstoppers. It’s in your written application. You must make Acapella in order to be considered to be a showstopper.


How will it work?

  1. Email me: in the subject line I need your first and last name. Then give me your address, contact number, current grade, and that your auditioning for showstoppers message portion.

  2. Video yourself singing ONLY a minute and a half of a song.

  3. Do not sing need to have a background track with no voices. I want to hear you not the artist.

Tips to help you have a successful audition:

  1. Girls sing a song sung by a girl and guys sing a song sung by a guy. Vocally that’s a good rule of thumb.

  2. Pick a song that features the best part of your choice. SONG SELECTION IS EVERYTHING!!!!! Get advice , consult others before choosing.

  3. Use facial expressions. Sing a song that you are passionate about so you don’t have to work at conveying emotion.

  4. Go back and listen to your video before submitting.

  5. Make sure the karaoke volume isn’t too loud so that it doesn’t cover up your voice.

  6. I prefer you standing up when you audition..pretend your on stage and feel free to walk around and use gestures when performing. You might consider having someone video you.



  1. Those who make callbacks will receive an email no later than May 6th at 5pm.

  2. You will receive an invite to be apart of a google meet for your callback audition.

  3. The callback date will be May 7th and you need to block out time from 1-3 p.m.

  4. You will receive an email with your time slot by 7pm May 7th.



Results will be posted May 22nd via remind/twitter.

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